For Youth

Welcome to the Youth page.   As you scroll down, you will find some helpful websites and resources about self-injury.

We highly recommend that you talk with a trusted person and consider getting professional help if you are unable to stop self-injuring and/or feel distressed.


Young People: Self-injury

Visions - young people: self-injury

This journal includes articles by youth who self injury and families and shares their stories.  Understanding the journey of others can sometimes be helpful in finding your own path or helping others who self injury.  It also includes a summary of research and practical suggestions for professionals by clinicians and researchers.

Young People: Self-injury, from self harm to self care, you can’t know if you don’t ask (Visions; BC’s Mental Health and Addictions Journal, Vol13 No.2, 2017)

Self Injury Outreach and Support (SiOS)

Self Injury Outreach and Support (SiOS)

This website sponsored by researchers at the University of Guelph and McGill has a page just for youth which  answers questions for you such as:

  • Why am I self injuring?
  • How do I get help?
  • What if there is no one to tell?
  • What kind of treatments are there?
  • What  are some keys to recovery?


You’ll find the LifeSIGNS website easy to navigate, with lots of helpful information about self-injury and suggestions on how to get help.

The group, and their website, is run by Directors and Supporters in the UK who have personal experience with self-injury.

Resilience for Teens

Life can be stressful! The American Psychological Association has a site that gives suggestions to help build resilience or better coping skills for life stress.

On this page you’ll find a link to “10 Tips to Build Resilience”.

Mind Your Mind

Mind Your Mind
Mind Your Mind is a website for youth by youth, and it was created as a place where you can get information, resources and the tools to help you manage stress, crisis and mental health problems.

Through this website you can also connect with counsellors and other youth.
» Visit a great page with information about coping resources


Remember, we highly recommend that you talk with a trusted person and consider getting professional help if you are unable to stop self-injuring and/or are feeling distressed.

This website is intended for educational and information purposes only. It is not intended to provide, nor should it be considered to be a substitute for, professional medical, counselling, or legal services. Users of the site are strongly advised to discuss the content of the site with a qualified professional. INSYNC does not accept any liability for any person who relies on the content of this site.