Welcome to our page for professionals! This page is to link professionals with other websites that contain current information about self-injury in youth. There is general information, information for school professionals and other professionals. Specific resources also include the Self Assessment Sheet for those working with youth who self injure and the Ottawa Self Injury Inventory (OSI), and Functions only version of the OSI. Recent evaluation research publications on the OSI are provided for those interested.
General Information for Professionals
Information for School Professionals
Self-Injury Outreach and Support: A Guide for School Professionals
NSSI in Schools: Developing and Implementing a School Protocol |
Information for Mental Health Clinicians and other Helping Professionals/Physicians
Ottawa Self Injury Inventory (OSI)
Revised June 2015 |
Ottawa Self Injury Inventory-Functions
OSI Scoring KeyThis scoring key is based on a factor analysis of the OSI in youth. |
Self Assessment Sheet (SAS)
The SAS:
Revised 2012 |